1.) Firm abs and butt. If this isn't already obvious...your body has...er... changed a tad during pregnancy and after :) Trust me I know! My saggy butt and abs after giving birth were less than attractive. After only a few classes people will be asking you if they can do their laundry on your abs...and butt (yes your butt will be THAT firm!)
3.) It's fun working out with friends and meeting new people. Lets face it. Working out alone is BORING! Not to mention ineffective compared to working out in a group. It's tempting to rationalize "Hmm. I'm kinda tired, maybe I'll stop" when you're by yourself. During baby cardiyogalates you won't know where the time went. Plus working out with your friends will keep you motivated during the work out, instead of quitting when it gets "too hard."
4.) Your older kids have plenty of supervised room to play. Located at Pines Park there is tons of room to let your kids use their bundle of energy (and be ready for their afternoon naps!)
5.) If your partially ADD like me you will love the variety of workouts. I love teaching 1 hr. cardio, yoga, and pilates separately, but it's nice to have the 25 minute combination to break it up and keep things moving.
6.) I am a Registered Dietitan and will have lots of nutrition tips to share during class.
7.) Stronger back and straighter shoulders. With all of the lifting and carrying around you do (baby, kids, groceries, car seat, stroller, etc.) your back really takes a toll. And not to mention all of the hunching that goes on in your shoulders (feeding and caring for the baby, house cleaning, gardening, etc.) during the day. Bottom line is your back and shoulders get worked as a parent and the older you get, the more susceptible you are to shoulder and back injury. This exercise program will keep your back from aching and your shoulders from rounding. Think Audrey Hepburn posture. That's our aim!
8.) You will have MORE ENERGY! Who needs more energy, raise your hand?? We ALL need more energy and after the class you will be rarring to go.
9.) You can EAT MORE! Burning on average 800-1000 calories per class you can indulge in that little craving without seeing or feeling it the next day. Hot fudge sundae anyone??
10.) Greater overall sense of well being. You will be more patient when dealing with your little one or ones, your physical and mental health will improve, you will better handle stressful situations, and your love for your significant other will increase.
11.) Your baby's social development will be enhanced by interacting with other babies. Babies LOVE other babies and are socially stimulated during class.
This is only a small sampling of worth-while reasons to start baby cardiyogalates. Come try out a class for free! If you like what you see and more importantly how you feel then come back each week for only $7 a class or $30 for 6 classes. Let's get this party started! See you there this Tuesday!